About Nicole


This is what I do best

For those of you who don’t know me:

I am a wandering Minnesotan.  I may have once forged a deadly weapon out of a steak knife and a broom handle to kill a giant spider, but I also cry at sappy commercials. In my spare time, I cook epic meals for two, bike around on my hot huffy while wearing a helmet that looks like half a ping bong ball, and knit blankets for all.

5 thoughts on “About Nicole

  1. Christie Poytress says:

    You are all that and so much more Nicole! I look forward to hearing about this grand adventure! Be safe and good luck:)

  2. edgrace622 says:

    Hi Nicole..I like the way you translate the cantonese into English. It was so much fun! I’m a Cantonese, from well (Malaysia/Singapore) but our cantonese here are not as pure as HongKies!

  3. edgrace622 says:

    You are doing very well! I couldn’t even write in English on how to pronounce Cantonese. I like the way you put “Ng goy je je”, “hai bin do” etc. Keep up the good work!

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